Hey guys this is my first blog post ....well i guess il start of blogging about my own website . Its www.assistmoi.com. In the next few paragraphs ive written comprehensively what my site is and how it assists people. On the right is my sites logo, i think its really cute. This ones done by my good friend who is a graphic artist.
Most vital of all is selecting a university for a professional course since the degree from the institution will be with you for life , and hence the right one has to be chosen. Choosing a university is no easy task as many factors have to be taken into consideration-from academics to the cost of living, and the numerous options available make it no easy for us.( there are around 50,000 universities/schools colleges all around the world and in the US alone there are 3000 universities)
Choosing an university is a lengthy process and usually takes about 4-6 months from applying to universities to getting an I-20 from them. Most important factor in selecting an university is the department ranking and not the UNIVERSITY RANKING. But Why??? University ranking are based on the performance of the entire college. For example, a university ranked 50 might have an excellent computer science department, but it is not guranteed that it is ranked good in aerospace or for that matter of fact any other department. You might find a university ranked 70 or so with really excellent aerospace department even better than the university ranked 50.Hence university ranking alone can sometimes be misleading. University ranking gives the ranking as a whole taking maybe the performance of the university based on all departments. But how do you find the department ranking of a particular university???? Unfortunately, google cant help you with this, since comprehensive department ranking for a particular university is not available, infact you wouldn’t find this data anywhere in the world. The only way going about this is to ask current students of a particular university of how the department is , how the research, financial aid etc.. in that particular university. This is were assistmoi.com comes in.
What is assistMoi.com?
assistMoi is a portal where students help out each other to get to know more about a particular institution, without the hassle of adding friends before communicating. This site sorts out students according to institution, year, nationality, country , department, projects completed etc., hence its a lot easier to find an assister.
This site sorts out students according to institution, branch, location, specialization and position held in a particular university.
Each profile also contains information such as projects completed, year, class etc.. Hence it’s a lot easier to find an assister whom you can ask direct assistance /help to get to know more of a particular institution. It also has forums where you can express your thoughts on a particular university or ask your doubts on applying, financial aid etc. It also contains handbooks which contains valuable information on various topics, submitted by users with their experience. This site can be used by students in school/college in the same country /state to know more about a particular institution and also by people working in companies .
Who is this for?
THIS SITE IS FOR EVERYONE. Since you guys are the ones assisting , or being assisted. This is especially for all of u in cross roads of selecting a particular institution for higher education including students who are shifting from one location to another ( be it in the same or different country), and would like to know more about the particular institution.