Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Last Leg Of The Journey - VISA!!!!!

Im finally done with my engineering  after 4 years of struggling, and now im proud to say im officially an Aeronautical Engineer .. Wooo Hooo .. for those of you don’t know what it is- its all about vehicles  which fly above the ground- from aircrafts, helicopters, hovercrafts to rockets. It deals with everything –design, construction and science of these kind of vehicles. Ive been waiting a long time for this day, but now ive got the degree and it doesn’t feel any different, maybe its coz im still jobless:(  you must be wondering what that pic got to do with me, well nothin, i thought it was cool so i just posted it:)

Now since that’s over, the second half of my life begins, I planned to do my MS since you cant really get a job with just an aeronautical degree( you need to specialize in something- that’s atleast what I think;) ).  The only option I had was to go to the US for MS since over here in India not many colleges offer MS, and the ones which do are for the really smart ones. So I applied to a few universities in the US and am proud to say got into University at Buffalo, State University Of New York. Its ranked 52 so im happy, but I would have loved to get into Iowa State University. Well who cares, I just think of it as a big loss for ISU.

Now the last leg of my journey and also the most important one begins. All my hard work for the past few months will go in vain if I cant go through this- VISA!!!!!!!!! Well  im confident that il breeze through the interview since ive got all that’s necessary to qualify for a VISA including an admit from a good University. But you just cant say, It all depends on the mood of the person who is interviewing me that day. And if he/she has had a bad day , il get screwed.

Ive done with all the visa booking and stuff and my date is on june 17th. Im not tensed at all, I just hope it goes well.

I guess il sign off for now, and if you wanna know how the interview goes, ul have to keep visiting my blog ….:p :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Google vs Bing!!! Who Is Gonna Win????

Bing is a new search engine but with a difference . It was launched by Microsoft a week back. They call it the “decision engine” .As the name suggests it apparently makes decisions: from everyday decisions, like which restaurant to eat at, to complicated decisions, like which digital camera to buy or where to stay on your next vacation etc..

First look at it, I was impressed. It’s got this panaromic view as a wallpaper on its front page, a lot better than the plain white google. But when you start searching, well I personally din’t find anything special. I mean it gives search results just like another search engine.

One of the features  it provides is more accurate search results. But then who cares, most of the internet users I guess are satisfied with Googles results and are not complaining .

Below is a video on how bing might help you make decisions, its new features etc..

Here is a link to the main article which lists all the features of bing-


Do you think bing’s going to be a success? Will users shift?? Will they begin bing’ing rather than googling??? Well only time will tell.

What do you think of bing? Do you plan to shift???


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How Does Google Find Out Fradulent Ad Clicks?

A direct answer to this question is- NO BODY KNOWS.  Google hasn’t revealed this to anyone. Only the smart guys working in the google adsense program know about this. And this is totally right coz once its released , every other ad program will copy this and also users might try to find other ways to bypass their technology in place.

But then there are many common ways by which we can find out whether the ad clicks are fraudulent. You don’t need to be a computer expert to understand this.  Here’s a small list by which google could find out whether the clicks are fradulent or not –

1. Why should'nt I click my own ads on my own computer?  Its simple every computer has its own IP address( like your home address, its unique for every computer), so if you click your own ads google will find out. Now you might think you’re smart and go to internet cafes and click on your own ads, but sorry my friend google will still catch you. They also track the number of times an add has been clicked from some other address, if the time gap is small they will easily find out , and you’ll get banned.

2.Duration of Visitor - Google knows how long your visitor was in your website. If an individual goes to your site and clicks your ads even if the user stayed only for a few seconds in the site, can also result in ban.

3. Low Traffic - If you have low traffic, and you got clicks, it can also result in your account getting banned. For example, if you have only 20 visitors a day and you got 10 or more than clicks, thats also very obvious – goolge will keep u in the watch list.  If it recurs everyday you will surely get banned.

4.Your Website Ranking: For example you just built a new website which has not been indexed by google, but then you get a lot of clicks, how the hell is that possible??? Googles easily could find this out and you might get banned.

5.Value Of Click: You might get banned for getting only clicks on your adds and no product being sold. So even if its not your fault , you might just get banned>sad right.:(((

There are softwares in place and an army of Google PhD’s working round the clock developing programs/algorithms just so that they can find out fradulent clicks.

Not only that even if a google staff comes across anything which does not go by the terms and condtions, you will get banned.

These are ways by which google could find out of fradulent clicks. But who knows, they might have many other sophisticated techniques which we got know idea off.

So the final conclusion- do not click your adds or even tell your friends to click your adds every few days or so, the best way in my opinion is to focus on  your content. Add good content which might get visitors back to your site and thereby increasing your traffic which will obviously lead to an increase in the clicks and which in turn will lead to money money money:))

How NOT To Get Your Google Adsense Account Banned For Life

I don’t think I need to give an introduction about google adsense, everyone who has a website/blog  would be knowing this:) and infact most of them create websites/blog just so that they can place their google ads on their site and make some money. Getting your site approved by google adsense for placing ads is not a big hurdle- most websites are approved as long as the content is decent, what most people don’t know is getting BANNED FOR LIFE- Kicked out of the google adsense program is also quite easy if you don’t follow the rules.

Let me split up this topic of discussion into two blog entries . In this  ill concentrate on what you should not do . In the next blog entry ill write a brief essay on how google could find out if your ad clicks are valid or not.

What you shouldn’t do-

1.Most people know this, and is also the most important factor. DO NOT CLICK ON YOUR OWN ADS. How do they find out if I click on my ads? Well for the answer to this question jump to the second blog which is right above this blog entry.

2.Do not ask for clicks in any way. Many blogs /website had printed on them “Click My Ads” , this is WRONG and google will ban your account. Also never post in forums or comments askin people to click on your sites ads.  Now you might ask how will google find ?? Well I don’t know.  But what I know is they will find out for sure. U might escape maybe for  a few months or even maybe even a few years, but then you will surely get caught. Who knows, maybe when your payment has reached 5000$ and after 2 years of working with google adsense, they might just come across one of your forum posts which u might have placed long ago, and will instantly block your account or BAN you for life. Why take the risk? Just go by the rules and try posting good content so that users visit your site.

3.”DO NOT” send google ads through e-mail to all your friends. Once a user clicks ads on email, it will be instantly registered in google’s server ,you will instantly get banned.

4. DO NOT PLACE MORE THAN THREE(3) AD UNITS AND THREE(3) AD LINKS OR TWO(2) ADSENSE SEARCH BOXES ON A WEB PAGE.” Well I don’t know the exact reason of the rule, but its there in the terms and conditions so its better you just follow it. And also do not ” edit, modify, filter, truncate or change the order of the information contained in any Ad, Link, Ad Unit, Search Result, or Referral Button, or remove, obscure or minimize any Ad, Link, Ad Unit, Search Result, or Referral Button in any way without authorization from Google;”

If you get banned , you can appeal, but most likely your account will not get reinstated, and if you are lucky you might get a second chance.

No don’t try creating another account for placing ads, once your site gets banned , there’s no point you’ll get banned again.

Most users get banned for mostly the above reasons. These are only a few rules set by goolge. For a comprehensive list check out the terms and conditions , privacy policy of google adsense.